Yearly archives: 2023

Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow | A common cause of lateral elbow pain.

Lateral Epicondyltis. Tennis Elbow, Elbow pain, wrist pain, osteopath, osteopathy, Osteo, Osteopathy and elbow pain, Osteopathy and tennis elbow, Osteopath Bentleigh, Osteopath Melbourne, Osteopath Bayside, Osteopath Bentleigh East

Do you have pain on the outside of your elbow? Does it flare up when you grip or lift things with your wrist? Then you may be suffering from lateral epicondylitis (Tennis elbow).

Lateral epicondylitis or Tennis elbow is a common condition where patients present with pain on the outside of the elbow. It is typically considered an overuse injury commonly caused by repetitive strain involving wrist extension, radial deviation and/or forearm supination.  When the wrist and forearm is subjected to increased load and repeated gripping and/or wrist extension, sometimes the muscles that are typically involved in wrist extension are unable to keep up with the demands of the load. As a result, the muscles will tighten and subsequently pull on the adjacent tendon that attaches to the common extensor origin located on the lateral/outside of the elbow. This usually causes pain and discomfort.

 This kind of injury/condition can commonly be seen in activities that require twisting, gripping heavy objects and where the wrist is subjected to long periods of extension e.g keyboard typing. It is usually as result of poor mechanics and technique or improper use of equipment. Activities such as tennis, badminton, squash, and builders, and office workers are the most noticeable ones that present with this condition.

Patients with Tennis elbow usually present with:

  • Pain with insidious onset 
  • Pain over the lateral side/outside of the elbow 
  • Pain that is precipitated by an acute injury or strain 
  • Mild to severe pain depending on the activity/movement 
  • Occasional tenderness over the common extensor origin 
  • Reproduced pain with resisted wrist/finger extension and/or supination/turning the wrist inwards

In most cases, Tennis elbow will resolve itself over time with rest, activity modification and anti-inflammatories. Although, acute cases of lateral epicondylitis can progress into chronic cases and worsen over time if not treated and managed properly. This is where active rehabilitation and lifestyle modification is required.

Here are some common exercises that can be prescribed that may help you lateral epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow). This is general advice only and not to be substituted for personalised medical advice.  

Forearm extensor stretch:
  • Extend your affected arm straight out in front of you with your palm face down, and drop your hand towards the floor. 
  • With your other hand, apply a gentle pressure to the back of your wrist and hold. 
  • You should feel this stretch down the back of your forearm.
  • Perform for 30 seconds for 3 sets.
  • Take a minute break between each set.
Resisted wrist extension exercise:
  • Have your forearm supported on a table and allow the wrist to hang over the edge.
  • Find a dumbbell that is 1-2kg, make sure the weight is challenging but not too difficult.
  • Starting in the flexed position where your wrist is pointed down, extend the wrist up and then slowly lower the wrist all the way down.
  • Perform 3 sets of 10 with a minute rest in between each set.

If you’re experiencing pain or had a recent flare up of an old injury, we recommend you consult with one of our Osteopaths to find out the “do’s and don’ts” depending on the severity of your injury as there is no ‘one size fits all’ with treatment plans.


  1. Buchanan BK, Varacallo M. Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow) [Updated 2023 Aug 4]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available from:

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(03) 9570 9061

You do not need a referral to see one of our friendly Osteopaths at Valued Health Osteopathy. We have a very good relationship with many surrounding doctors, other health practitioners and personal trainers in the local community of Bentleigh East , Bentleigh, Ormond, McKinnon, Oakleigh, Carnegie, Caulfield, Moorabbin, Murrumbeena, Brighton, Clayton and Clarinda.

Valued Health Osteopathy offers Osteopathy, Clinical Pilates, Infant & Children Osteopathy, Pelvic Health Osteopathy, Exercise Rehabilitation and Strength & Conditioning. Valued Health Osteopathy is open 6 days a week with early morning and evening appointments.

Osteopath in Bentleigh East, Osteopath in Bentleigh, Osteopath near Ormond, Osteopath near McKinnon, Osteopath near Oakleigh, Osteopath near Cheltenham, Osteopath near Brighton, Osteopath near Caulfield, Osteopath near Carnegie, Osteopath near Clarinda, Osteopath near Moorabbin.

Valued Health Osteopathy is located at 3/658 Centre Road, Bentleigh East, Melbourne, Victoria, 3165.

Valued Health OsteopathyOsteopathy Australia

Osteopath Bentleigh East, Osteopath Bentleigh, Osteopath Ormond, Osteopath McKinnon, Osteopath Moorabbin, Osteopath Murrumbeena, Osteopath Oakleigh, Osteopath Carnegie, Osteopath Caulfield, Osteopath Clayton, Osteopath Brighton and Osteopath Cheltenham, Osteopath Dingley, Osteopath Beaumaris, Osteopath Melbourne.

Cervicogenic Headache

Let’s talk about Cervicogenic Headaches.

Cervicohenic headache, headache, neck pain and headache, headache Osteo, headache osteopath, migraine, migraine Osteo, migraine osteopath, osteopath Bentleigh, Osteo Bentleigh, osteopath Bentleigh East, Osteo Bentleigh, Osteo melbourne, Osteopath melbourne, Osteo bayside, osteopath bayside

You may be experiencing from a condition known as Cervicogenic Headache … If you have you been experiencing headaches lately and have had some associated neck pain.

Patients with Cervicogenic Headaches may experience:

  • One-sided pain that can mimic tension type headaches or migraines. 
  • Pain is usually one sided and begins at the neck and can spread to the eyes, forehead, and temples. 
  • Patients often do not complain of any sensitivity to light and noise which is common in migraines. 
  • Associated neck pain or a reduction in range of motion.

Cervicogenic headaches are thought to be caused by irritation of cervical structures that are innervated by spinal nerves C1, C2 and C3. Therefore, any structure in the neck that is innervated by these spinal nerves that is irritated may cause pain in the neck and then refer pain up the face and head, which will then lead to headaches.

Cervicogenic headaches are a rare form of headache but is commonly seen in people between the ages of 30 and 44 years old and affects both females and males equally.

In terms of management and treatment of Cervicogenic headaches, physical therapy is often the gold standard which includes manipulative therapy and therapeutic exercise. Patients may look to an anaesthetic or steroid injection for pain relief. Surgery can also be performed although this is often considered as a last resort. With successful treatment of the lesion or cause of irritation in the neck, pain usually resolves within three months.

It’s important to note that treatment does not entirely cure the condition. Regular visits to your health practitioner to monitor symptoms and a tailored management plan is often required to prevent future instances.

If you feel like you’re experiencing Cervicogenic headaches or something similar, the Osteopaths at Valued Health Osteopathy are happy to have a chat with you about your situation, perform a diagnostic assessment, provide treatment, and develop a tailored management plan. 


    1. Al Khalili Y, Ly N, Murphy PB. Cervicogenic Headache. [Updated 2022 Oct 3]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available from:

Make an appointment today – Book online!

(03) 9570 9061

You do not need a referral to see one of our friendly Osteopaths at Valued Health Osteopathy. We have a very good relationship with many surrounding doctors, other health practitioners and personal trainers in the local community of Bentleigh East , Bentleigh, Ormond, McKinnon, Oakleigh, Carnegie, Caulfield, Moorabbin, Murrumbeena, Brighton, Clayton and Clarinda.

Valued Health Osteopathy offers Osteopathy, Clinical Pilates, Infant & Children Osteopathy, Pelvic Health Osteopathy, Exercise Rehabilitation and Strength & Conditioning. Valued Health Osteopathy is open 6 days a week with early morning and evening appointments.

Osteopath in Bentleigh East, Osteopath in Bentleigh, Osteopath near Ormond, Osteopath near McKinnon, Osteopath near Oakleigh, Osteopath near Cheltenham, Osteopath near Brighton, Osteopath near Caulfield, Osteopath near Carnegie, Osteopath near Clarinda, Osteopath near Moorabbin.

Valued Health Osteopathy is located at 3/658 Centre Road, Bentleigh East, Melbourne, Victoria, 3165.

Valued Health OsteopathyOsteopathy Australia

Osteopath Bentleigh East, Osteopath Bentleigh, Osteopath Ormond, Osteopath McKinnon, Osteopath Moorabbin, Osteopath Murrumbeena, Osteopath Oakleigh, Osteopath Carnegie, Osteopath Caulfield, Osteopath Clayton, Osteopath Brighton and Osteopath Cheltenham, Osteopath Dingley, Osteopath Beaumaris, Osteopath Melbourne.

Trochanteric Bursitis

Trochanteric Bursitis | A common cause of lateral hip pain.

Trochanteric Bursitis, Lateral Hip pain, Hip pain, Hip pain Osteopath, Hip pain and Osteopathy, Can Osteopaths help with hip pain, Osteopath Bentleigh, Osteopath Bentleigh East, Osteopath Melbourne, Osteopath Bayside, Osteopath Dr Alex Phan, Osteo Melbourne, Osteo Bayside, Osteo Bentleigh, Osteo Bentleigh East, Osteopath McKinnon, Osteopath Ormond, Osteopath Oakleigh, Osteopath Moorabbin

What is Trochanteric Bursitis?

Trochanteric bursitis is inflammation of the bursa that sits on the side of your greater trochanter, the side of your hip. A bursa is a sac of fluid that sits between muscles/tendons and bones to provide cushion as well smooth frictionless movement.

Who does it affect and what causes it?

More common in women, especially middle-aged women 

Excessive or repetitive movements – such as athletics, running, cycling or jumping 


Direct trauma to the bursa – commonly seen in elderly patients who are at risk of falls 

Sedentary or bed bound patients due to constant pressure over the greater trochanter

How does Trochanteric Bursitis occur? 

This usually occurs due to either repetitive microtrauma that can be from running or exercise involving the hip and tendinopathy of the surrounding musculature. It can also be caused by direct trauma and compression of the bursa or idiopathically, without any reason. 

What are the symptoms?

One sided lateral hip pain 

Gradual onset of pain 

Local pain over the greater trochanter 

Pain that improves with anti-inflammatories 

Pain that is worse with prolonged activity that involves stabilisation of the pelvis e.g standing on one leg 

Pain that is brought on with adduction of the femur – swinging the leg across the midline of the body

How can Trochanteric Bursitis be treated?

In most cases trochanteric bursitis can be managed with conservative care through adequate rest and pharmacotherapy. However, there are instances where more direct intervention is required through physical therapy and stronger pharmacotherapy. In rare cases, surgery may be considered if patients do not respond well to conservative measures.

Here are some common exercises that can be prescribed to manage your lateral hip pain. This is general advice only and not to be substituted for personalised medical advice.  

  1. Sit to stand 
  • Using a chair or bench
  • Place your feet shoulder width apart with your hands out in front for balance 
  • Sit back down into a squat position and barely touch the chair or bench with your bottom and then stand back up 
  • Perform 3 sets of 15, 3x a week 

  1. Glute bridges 
  • Lie flat on the ground with your hips and knees bent at 90 degrees 
  • Raise your hips to the sky by squeezing your bottom and hamstrings to elevate your bottom from the ground. Most of body weight should be on your upper back 
  • Perform 3 sets of 10, 3x a week 

  1. Step ups 
  • Using a small stool or a stair case 
  • Standing with both feet on an elevated platform such a small stool or stairs. 
  • Slowly bring one leg back and drop it down to the bottom level whilst keeping tension over the glutes of the elevated leg. 
  • Whilst holding this tension, raise the leg on the bottom level back to the starting position. 
  • Perform 3 sets of 10 on each leg, 3x a week. 

If you’re experiencing pain or had a recent flare up of an old injury, we recommend you consult with one of our Osteopaths to find out the “do’s and don’ts” depending on the severity of your injury as there is no ‘one size fits all’ with treatment plans.  


    1. Seidman AJ, Taqi M, Varacallo M. Trochanteric Bursitis. [Updated 2022 Nov 20]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available from:

Make an appointment today – Book online!

(03) 9570 9061

You do not need a referral to see one of our friendly Osteopaths at Valued Health Osteopathy. We have a very good relationship with many surrounding doctors, other health practitioners and personal trainers in the local community of Bentleigh East , Bentleigh, Ormond, McKinnon, Oakleigh, Carnegie, Caulfield, Moorabbin, Murrumbeena, Brighton, Clayton and Clarinda.

Valued Health Osteopathy offers Osteopathy, Clinical Pilates, Infant & Children Osteopathy, Pelvic Health Osteopathy, Exercise Rehabilitation and Strength & Conditioning. Valued Health Osteopathy is open 6 days a week with early morning and evening appointments.

Osteopath in Bentleigh East, Osteopath in Bentleigh, Osteopath near Ormond, Osteopath near McKinnon, Osteopath near Oakleigh, Osteopath near Cheltenham, Osteopath near Brighton, Osteopath near Caulfield, Osteopath near Carnegie, Osteopath near Clarinda, Osteopath near Moorabbin.

Valued Health Osteopathy is located at 3/658 Centre Road, Bentleigh East, Melbourne, Victoria, 3165.

Valued Health OsteopathyOsteopathy Australia

Osteopath Bentleigh East, Osteopath Bentleigh, Osteopath Ormond, Osteopath McKinnon, Osteopath Moorabbin, Osteopath Murrumbeena, Osteopath Oakleigh, Osteopath Carnegie, Osteopath Caulfield, Osteopath Clayton, Osteopath Brighton and Osteopath Cheltenham, Osteopath Dingley, Osteopath Beaumaris, Osteopath Melbourne.

Knee Pain – Osteoarthritis (OA)

Osteoarthritis, knee pain, OA, Osteopath, Osteopath Bentleigh East, Osteo Bentleigh

Knee Pain – Osteoarthritis (OA)

Common Causes of Knee Pain: Part 1 –Osteoarthritis (OA)

What is Osteoarthritis?

OA is a common condition that affects some joints of the body (3) and is something that we see frequently at Valued Health Osteopathy. Knee pain can have many causes, however one of the most common conditions behind knee pain, particularly in adults; is Osteoarthritis (3).

Osteoarthritis causes structural changes within a joint, which results in pain and a loss of function. OA is the most common type of arthritis affecting more than 250 million adults (1). OA is a progressive joint disease that is affected by multiple factors including biomechanical, genetic, inflammatory, and hormonal factors (1). It is important to note that it is not just an ‘older persons’ disease. (3)

Osteoarthritis can be associated with pain however, there is a high variability in the level of pain. (3) Importantly, pain does not typically correlate with the degree of change in joints. (3)

Symptoms of Osteoarthritis 


Pain associated with movement

Joint swelling

Muscle weakness

Joint instability

Reduced range of movement and

Sounds within the joints. (3)

Risk factors for Osteoarthritis

Research suggests that there are multiple risk factors for OA and they can include:


Previous significant injury to the joint

Increasing age

Repetitive movements associated with an occupation

Genetics and

Gender. (3)

So how can we help patients that do have symptomatic knee OA?

  1. Education: Educating patients on what Osteoarthritis (OA) actually is, how it can be managed and that people with knee OA can still thrive in life is the first line of action (2).
  2. Exercise is an important and effective part of any OA management plan and can be useful in trying to reduce pain and improve mobility. (3) Exercise including strength training, stretching, aerobic and balance programs should typically be included in an exercise program for those with OA. (3)
  3. Diet: Generally a healthy and balanced diet is recommended for those with OA. Including healthy eating habits within your lifestyle can be beneficial for pain and functional outcomes associated with OA. For detailed assistance or support surrounding dietary changes, your GP or dietician would be a great place to start. (2)

They’re a lot of other areas involved in the management of knee osteoarthritis. For more information and help on how you can improve your knee pain, make an appointment with one of our Osteopaths at Valued Health Osteopathy.


    1. 2.3. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2013 Sep;21(9):1145-53. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2013.03.018. Luks, Dr H. “10 Recommendations To Thrive With Osteoarthritis of the Knee,” Physio Network. Available at: recommendations-to-thrive-with-osteoarthritis-of-the-knee/ (Accessed: 2022).
    2. Bone Joint Surg Am. 2018 Jan 17;100(2):131-137. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.16.01071.
    3. Arthritis. Osteoarthritis, Reviewed on: 21-08-2019, Better Health Channel,

Make an appointment today – Book online!

(03) 9570 9061

You do not need a referral to see one of our friendly Osteopaths at Valued Health Osteopathy. We have a very good relationship with many surrounding doctors, other health practitioners and personal trainers in the local community of Bentleigh East , Bentleigh, Ormond, McKinnon, Oakleigh, Carnegie, Caulfield, Moorabbin, Murrumbeena, Brighton, Clayton and Clarinda.

Valued Health Osteopathy offers Osteopathy, Clinical Pilates, Infant & Children Osteopathy, Pelvic Health Osteopathy, Exercise Rehabilitation and Strength & Conditioning. Valued Health Osteopathy is open 6 days a week with early morning and evening appointments.

Osteopath in Bentleigh East, Osteopath in Bentleigh, Osteopath near Ormond, Osteopath near McKinnon, Osteopath near Oakleigh, Osteopath near Cheltenham, Osteopath near Brighton, Osteopath near Caulfield, Osteopath near Carnegie, Osteopath near Clarinda, Osteopath near Moorabbin.

Valued Health Osteopathy is located at 3/658 Centre Road, Bentleigh East, Melbourne, Victoria, 3165.

Valued Health OsteopathyOsteopathy Australia

Osteopath Bentleigh East, Osteopath Bentleigh, Osteopath Ormond, Osteopath McKinnon, Osteopath Moorabbin, Osteopath Murrumbeena, Osteopath Oakleigh, Osteopath Carnegie, Osteopath Caulfield, Osteopath Clayton, Osteopath Brighton and Osteopath Cheltenham, Osteopath Dingley, Osteopath Beaumaris, Osteopath Melbourne.