Yearly archives: 2019

Foam Rolling | Osteopath Bentleigh

 💥Foam Rolling💥

Valued Health Osteopathy

Osteopath Bentleigh & Bentleigh East

3/658 Centre Rd, Bentleigh East, 3165

Can foam rolling help with your recovery?

Foam rolling is a form of self-myofascial release or self-manual therapy. It is often used with the aim of improving flexibility 🤸🏻‍♂️, recovery, and athletic performance. It is intended to reduce localised tightness 💢 by influencing the myofascial complex. The word ‘myo’ referring to the Latin term for muscle and ‘fascia’ being the soft-tissue component of the connective tissue system that permeates the human body, forming a continuous, whole-body, three-dimensional matrix 🌐 of structural support.1

Restrictions in joint range of motion and local blood flow are thought to be attributed to localised tightness of the myofascial complex and that manual manipulation 👐 of this tension will allow the tissue to become softer and more pliable.2 Research suggests that fascia contains mechanoreceptors. When using the foam roller, it is thought that the pressure applied subsequently stimulates these mechanoreceptors, influencing the central nervous 🧠 system. Therefore, altering the activity ⚡️ of the muscle and reducing localised myofascial tightness.3

Research suggests that foam rolling may improve short-term flexibility and has no negative impact on athletic ⛹️‍♂️ performance.4 Research also suggests that foam rolling may even have a long-term effect on flexibility when performed on a regular basis.5 It is also believed to reduce the sensation of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) following exercise, possibly allowing the recovery ♨️ process post-exercise to be sped up.6

Foam rolling is typically used during warm-up 🔥 and cool down ❄️ routines to prepare for physical activity and attempt to reduce the effects of DOMS and promote recovery. A possible protocol could include 3-5 sets of 20-30 second repetitions, performed 3-5 times per week 

At Valued Health Osteopathy, not only will you experience a hands on approach to treatment, but you will also be taken through a customised exercise rehabilitation program (which has been prescribed purely for you, based on your pain and injury) to ensure ongoing results! 

All our Osteopaths at Valued Health Osteopathy are university trained allied health professionals who have completed a minimum of five years of university training in anatomy, physiology, pathology, general medical diagnosis and osteopathic techniques. It is also a requirement that all our Osteopaths at Valued Health Osteopathy are registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and Osteopathy Australia (OA).

You do not need a referral to see one of our friendly Osteopaths at Valued Health Osteopathy. We have a very good relationship with many surrounding doctors, other health practitioners and personal trainers in the local community of Bentleigh East , Bentleigh, Ormond, McKinnon, Oakleigh, Carnegie, Caulfield, Moorabbin, Murrumbeena, Brighton, Clayton and Clarinda .

Valued Health Osteopathy offers Osteopathy, Clinical Pilates, Massage Therapy, Exercise Rehabilitation and Strength & Conditioning. Valued Health Osteopathy is open 6 days a week with early morning and evening appointments. Move better with Osteopathy!

Valued Health Osteopathy is conveniently located at 3/658 Centre Road, Bentleigh East, Victoria, 3165 and is open 6 days a week offering both early and late appointments. 

To make an appointment with one of our Osteopaths, book online 🖥 at or call ☎️ the clinic on (03) 9570 9061. 

Osteopath Bentleigh, Osteopath Bentleigh East, Foam rolling, Foam Roller, Osteopath Centre Rd, Osteo Bentleigh, Osteo Bentleigh East, Osteopath Ormond, Osteo Ormond, Osteopath Oakleigh, Osteo Oakleigh, Osteopath Clarinda, Osteo Clarinda, Osteopath Moorabbin, Osteo Moorabbin, Back pain Osteopathy, Neck pain Osteopathy, Osteopath Centre Road, Osteopath Centre Rd, Osteo Centre Road, Osteopath Mckinnon, Osteopath Cheltenham

Valued Health Osteopathy

Osteopath Bentleigh East, Osteopath Bentleigh, Osteopath Ormond, Osteopath McKinnon, Osteopath Moorabbin, Osteopath Murrumbeena, Osteopath Oakleigh, Osteopath Carnegie, Osteopath Caulfield, Osteopath Clayton, Osteopath Brighton and Osteopath Cheltenham. 

Osteopathy Australia

References 📚

1. Findley T. Second International Fascia Research Congress. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork: Research, Education, & Practice. 2009;2(2). 

2. Findley T, Chaudhry H, Stecco A, Roman M. Fascia research – A narrative review. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. 2012;16(1):67-75. 

3. Schleip R, Müller D. Training principles for fascial connective tissues: Scientific foundation and suggested practical applications. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. 2013;17(1):103-115. 

4. Halperin I, Aboodarda S, Button D, Andersen L, Behm D. Roller massager improves range of motion of plantar flexor muscles without subsequent decreases in force parameters. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. 2014;9(1):92. 

5. Mohr A, Long B, Goad C. Effect of Foam Rolling and Static Stretching on Passive Hip-Flexion Range of Motion. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2014;23(4):296-299. 

   6. Jay K, Sundstrup E, Søndergaard S, Behm D, Brandt M, Særvoll C et al. Specific and cross over effects of massage for muscle soreness: randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. 2014;9(1):82-91. 


Tennis Elbow | Osteopathy


Tennis Elbow | Osteopathy

Osteopath in Bentleigh & Bentleigh East

Valued Health Osteopathy

3/658 Centre Rd, Bentleigh East, 3165

Tennis Elbow | Osteopathy

👇 Shown here are some treatment techniques and rehabilitation exercises that we find helpful with treating Tennis Elbow 👇

1️⃣ Resisted forearm pronation: Hold the band taut in your hands. The band should wrap around the back of your hand, and around the outside to your palm. Turn your affected hand so your palm faces the floor, stretching the band. Control the movement as you turn your palm to face the ceiling again.

2️⃣ Resisted forearm supination: Hold a resistance band taut in your hands. Turn your affected hand so your palm faces the ceiling, stretching the band. Control the movement as you return your palm to face the floor again.

3️⃣ Active supination/pronation with dumbbell: Hold a dumbbell in your hand and out over the edge of the table. Rotate the palm of your hand so it turns up and down, controlling the momentum and rotation of the dumbbell.

4️⃣ Eccentric wrist extension with weight: Start with holding a weight in your hand with your palm facing downwards. Using the other hand, lift your wrist up, keeping your forearm in contact with the table. Remove your other hand and then slowly lower your raised hand back down without support. Relax and repeat.

✅ Try 1-2 sets of 10-15 reps aiming to build up to 20 reps. Use a light theraband and light weight to start with.

😡 If you have elbow pain or think you have tennis elbow symptoms, we recommend you consult with your Osteopath or health professional to find out the “do’s and don’ts” depending on the severity of your injury as there is no ‘one size fits all’ with treatment plans.

Tennis Elbow | Osteopathy, Osteopath Bentleigh, Osteopath Bentleigh East, Tennis Elbow, Elbow pain, Osteo Bentleigh, Osteo Bentleigh East, Osteopath Ormond, Osteo Ormond, Osteopath Oakleigh, Osteo Oakleigh, Osteopath Clarinda, Osteo Clarinda, Osteopath Moorabbin, Osteo Moorabbin, Back pain Osteopathy, Neck pain Osteopathy, Osteopath Centre Road, Osteopath Centre Rd, Osteo Centre Road, Osteopath Mckinnon, Osteopath Cheltenham

All our Osteopaths at Valued Health Osteopathy are university trained allied health professionals who have completed a minimum of five years of university training in anatomy, physiology, pathology, general medical diagnosis and osteopathic techniques. It is also a requirement that all our Osteopaths at Valued Health Osteopathy are registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and Osteopathy Australia (OA).

You do not need a referral to see one of our friendly Osteopaths at Valued Health Osteopathy. We have a very good relationship with many surrounding doctors, other health practitioners and personal trainers in the local community of Bentleigh East , Bentleigh, Ormond, McKinnon, Oakleigh, Carnegie, Caulfield, Moorabbin, Murrumbeena, Brighton, Clayton and Clarinda .

Valued Health Osteopathy offers Osteopathy, Clinical Pilates, Massage Therapy, Exercise Rehabilitation and Strength & Conditioning. Valued Health Osteopathy is open 6 days a week with early morning and evening appointments. Move better with Osteopathy!

Valued Health Osteopathis located at 3/658 Centre Road, Bentleigh East, Melbourne, Victoria, 3165.

Valued Health Osteopathy

Osteopath in Bentleigh East, near Bentleigh, Ormond, McKinnon, Moorabbin, Murrumbeena, Oakleigh, Carnegie, Caulfield, Clayton, Brighton and Cheltenham. 

Osteopathy Australia

Tennis Elbow | Osteopathy


Knee pain | Iliotibial band syndrome (IT Band Syndrome)

💥 IT Band Syndrome 💥

(Iliotibial band syndrome)

IT Band Syndrome (Iliotibial band syndrome) is one of the most common causes of lateral knee pain in runners. ¹

The iliotibial band is a tight band of fascia that is formed by the fascia of the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and tensor fasciae latae muscles. It originates from the pelvis and extends down to attach to the femur and tibia.

IT Band Syndrome has been described as an overuse injury to the knee and is characterised by a sharp burning pain over the lateral aspect (outside) of the knee. Diagnosis is usually made on presenting symptoms and a thorough clinical examination. MRI is not usually indicated, however it may be used to exclude pathology of other structures of and around the knee.¹

It is prevalent in sports where participants are subjected to repetitive knee flexion and extension. Runners are most prone to an injury like IT Band Syndrome during the stance phase of running due to the increased load on the lower limb muscles and joints. The pain may radiate up or down and symptoms are often reported to occur at a similar time and distance in a run.¹

Biomechanical factors, particularly of the hip and knee, are believed to be a possible cause of IT Band Syndrome in runners. It is believed that the strain and tension on the IT Band is greater when the hip is in an adducted position and the knee is internally rotated. Extrinsic factors such as downhill running, running at a slower pace, sudden increase in mileage and frequency, footwear and step width are also associated with IT Band strain.¹

Treatment modalities during the acute phase of IT Band Syndrome are aimed at reducing inflammation at the site where the IT Band moves over the outside of the knee. These modalities include rest, ice, activity modification and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Stretching and soft tissue techniques can then be used on the IT Band and surrounding muscles to release myofascial restrictions. 

Strengthening  the abductor muscles has also been shown to be of benefit, therefore it is recommended during the recovery and strengthening phase.¹

Shown here are some rehabilitation exercises and a myofascial technique (using a foam roller on the gluteal complex) that we find works well with helping ITBS.  However, we recommend you consult with your osteopath to find out the “do’s and don’ts” depending on the severity of your injury as there is no ‘one size fits all’ with treatment plans. 

If you’re suffering from knee pain or iliotibial band syndrome (IT Band Syndrome), we may be able to help. Speak to one of our Osteopaths at Valued Health Osteopathy in Bentleigh East about your treatment and rehabilitation options.


1️⃣ Aderem J, Louw Q. Biomechanical risk factors associated with iliotibial band syndrome (IT Band Syndrome) in runners: a systematic review. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2015;16(1).

All our Osteopaths at Valued Health Osteopathy are university trained allied health professionals who have completed a minimum of five years of university training in anatomy, physiology, pathology, general medical diagnosis and osteopathic techniques. It is also a requirement that all our Osteopaths at Valued Health Osteopathy are registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and Osteopathy Australia (OA).

You do not need a referral to see one of our friendly Osteopaths at Valued Health Osteopathy. We have a very good relationship with many surrounding doctors, other health practitioners and personal trainers in the local community of Bentleigh East , Bentleigh, Ormond, McKinnon, Oakleigh, Carnegie, Caulfield, Moorabbin, Murrumbeena, Brighton, Clayton and Clarinda .

Valued Health Osteopathy offers Osteopathy, Clinical Pilates, Massage Therapy, Exercise Rehabilitation and Strength & Conditioning. Valued Health Osteopathy is open 6 days a week with early morning and evening appointments. Move better with Osteopathy!

Valued Health Osteopathis located at 3/658 Centre Road, Bentleigh East, Melbourne, Victoria, 3165.

IT Band Syndrome, Iliotibial Band Syndrome, ITB, Ankle sprains, Ankle sprain, Osteopath in Bentleigh East, Osteopath in Bentleigh, Osteopath near Ormond, Osteopath near McKinnon, Osteopath near Oakleigh, Osteopath near Cheltenham, Osteopath near Brighton, Osteopath near Caulfield, Osteopath near Carnegie, Osteopath near Clarinda, Osteopath near Moorabbin.

Valued Health Osteopathy

Osteopath in Bentleigh East, near Bentleigh, Ormond, McKinnon, Moorabbin, Murrumbeena, Oakleigh, Carnegie, Caulfield, Clayton, Brighton and Cheltenham. 

Osteopathy Australia

Iliotibial Band Syndrome (IT Band Syndrome)


👣 Lateral Ankle Sprains 👣

👣 Lateral Ankle Sprains 👣

💥 Only 50% of individuals who suffer a lateral ankle sprain seek medical attention

💥 40% of all traumatic ankle injuries occur during sports. 

💥 1-4 years later up to 55% report instability.¹

Ankle sprain / injuries are classified into three categories: 

▪️grade I (mild), 

▪️grade II (moderate),

▪️grade III (severe).

Chronic ankle instability may be defined as persistent pain, swelling and/or giving way with recurrent sprains for at least 12 months after the initial ankle sprain.¹ 

Risk factors that may predispose you to a lateral ankle sprain can be classified as either intrinsic or extrinsic. Extrinsic factors include certain sports 🏀 or environmental characteristics. Basketball, indoor volleyball, field sports, and climbing have been shown to have the highest incidence of ankle sprains.¹ 

Modifiable intrinsic risk factors include limited ankle range of motion, reduced proprioception, deficiencies in postural control/balance, and reduced strength.💪 These modifiable risk factors should be identified and included in a prevention or rehabilitation programme to mitigate the risk for recurrent sprains.¹ ✅

Research has shown that 3-5 days of rest, ice, compression and elevation with early weight bearing, after which active exercise is commenced, leads to the fastest resumption of work and daily activities. Exercise therapy 🏃 has also been shown to enhance the efficacy of manual joint mobilisation. 👐 Use of a functional support ie bracing or taping (4-6 weeks) and exercise therapy provides better outcomes when compared with immobilisation.¹

Surgery 🙅 is generally only advised for patients that require quick recovery ie professional athletes, or whose complaints are not resolved by conservative treatment. To reduce the development of long-term injury-associated symptoms, it’s important to obtain adequate diagnosis and treatment.¹


1️⃣ Vuurberg G, Hoorntje A, Wink LMet al Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of ankle sprains: update of an evidence-based clinical guideline Br J Sports Med 2018;52:956.

All our Osteopaths at Valued Health Osteopathy are university trained allied health professionals who have completed a minimum of five years of university training in anatomy, physiology, pathology, general medical diagnosis and osteopathic techniques. It is also a requirement that all our Osteopaths at Valued Health Osteopathy are registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and Osteopathy Australia (OA).

You do not need a referral to see one of our friendly Osteopaths at Valued Health Osteopathy. We have a very good relationship with many surrounding doctors, other health practitioners and personal trainers in the local community of Bentleigh East , Bentleigh, Ormond, McKinnon, Oakleigh, Carnegie, Caulfield, Moorabbin, Murrumbeena, Brighton, Clayton and Clarinda .

Valued Health Osteopathy offers Osteopathy, Clinical Pilates, Massage Therapy, Exercise Rehabilitation and Strength & Conditioning. Valued Health Osteopathy is open 6 days a week with early morning and evening appointments. Move better with Osteopathy!

Valued Health Osteopathis located at 3/658 Centre Road, Bentleigh East, Melbourne, Victoria, 3165.

Ankle sprains, Ankle sprain, Osteopath in Bentleigh East, Osteopath in Bentleigh, Osteopath near Ormond, Osteopath near McKinnon, Osteopath near Oakleigh, Osteopath near Cheltenham, Osteopath near Brighton, Osteopath near Caulfield, Osteopath near Carnegie, Osteopath near Clarinda, Osteopath near Moorabbin.

Valued Health Osteopathy

Osteopath in Bentleigh East, near Bentleigh, Ormond, McKinnon, Moorabbin, Murrumbeena, Oakleigh, Carnegie, Caulfield, Clayton, Brighton and Cheltenham. 
Osteopathy Australia
